Consulting and engineering services
C-MES of Solutions supports the clients by the whole line of services for ensuring fast and effective introduction of the decisions and their trouble-free operation and also consulting user support after introduction. Our experts have sufficient experience and abilities - functional and implementation. They well understand design methodology and functionality of solutions of C-MES, provide high-quality maintenance and training.
Project management
All projects realized with solutions of C-MES are structured according to practicians of Institute of Project management (, the conducting association of design management. The project manager from our party effectively works with the colleague from the customer in order that in the budget and in time to plan and fulfill all contractual obligations.
Joint development of the project plan, including, includes:
- Plan for distribution of necessary resources
- Stage-by-stage plan
- Plan for control of design risks
- Communication project plan
Consultants of C-MES Solutions have totally hundreds of years of year of the accumulated experience of the solution of problems connected with manufacturing execution system (MES) and control systems of the enterprises (ERP). They are trained and prepared for performance of the following events, as on the place, and far off:
- Feasibility study
- Design of the decision
- The description and the plan of introduction of the proposed solution
- Technical aspect: introduction, development and a configuration of interfaces, integration with adjacent systems
- Functional: Analysis and design, control, modeling, project management, testing, support of the decision, testing of employees of the client and transfer of knowledge to them
C-MES of Solutions develops and provides to the clients in advance discussed trainings (individual or for groups of 10 people). Usually, provides such trainings of C-MES Solutions either on the platform of the customer or in the convenient place out of production for minimization of the distracting factors.
Use manufacturing execution system for 100%
Within one-day consultation on the platform of the customer representatives of C-MES Solutions meet users, revealing opportunities to improve the introduced solutions of C-MES. Such meetings increase abilities and knowledge of schedulers, skills of work with solutions of C-MES.
C-MES of Solutions gives opportunities of consultations, trainings, shares the best examples from the practice, distributes information on new functionality of system. All this helps our clients to use as much as possible possibilities of system and to reduce production costs.
It also includes:
- Audit of operations of cutting of material / cutting after introduction of the decision on cutting optimization, the report on offers and recommendations for further optimization on the basis of the saved-up statistics
- Audit of planned and actual data of production schedules after introduction of the decision on optimization of their formation, the report on offers and recommendations for further optimization on the basis of the saved-up statistics
- Updating to the latest version of system of optimization of cutting and formation of the schedule of production with standard interfaces
- One-day work of consultants on the platform of the customer, including a training for improvement of skills of users.
The training courses for beginners and advanced users
With our advanced training courses you can receive distance learning on our products from one of our experts of branch.
Need for additional training can appear in connection with appearance of new experts in departments of planning, in connection with changes of market conditions, to start of new products.
Solutions of C-MES are developed and supplemented taking into account the last production and market trends. Therefore we recommend to clients courses on professional development for experts of production planning.
It includes:
- Phone call with one of our grocery experts for definition of tasks and purposes of training.
- Preparation by the trainer of the individual program of training.
- The course will be stated during the coordinated occupations (no more than for 2 hours everyone). For lessons our trainers use the communication Skype platform.
Creation of non-standard reports
Software of C-MES use the production information relating to processes of formation of packages, optimization and execution of production operations. In decisions only a computing part is realized. Therefore all decisions are delivered without a set of reports. It is supposed that all problems of formation of the necessary reporting are solved by that software product with which the solution of C-MES is integrated.
Nevertheless, sometimes the user report is necessary for the satisfaction of some specific requirements of the customer.
It includes:
- Phone call or session on the Skype platform during which the customer explains parameters of the necessary report.
- The employee of C-MES Solutions during the coordinated time prepares the project of use of the data delivered by the solution of C-MES for formation of such report, estimates labor input and cost of such development.
- If the client agrees with additional costs of development of the new report by employees of C-MES Solutions - during the coordinated time after payment, the report is developed and transferred to the client for use
This option is available only to users of the C-MES:SaaS system.
Monitoring of work of the C-MES system in real time
C-MES:SaaS can have a possibility of remote monitoring of work of system in order that as fast as possible and effectively to react to the arising malfunctions.
We immediately react to the first symptoms of the problems appearing at users.
Our Center of Monitoring can observe and send in parallel notifications in a case emergence of emergency situations on your production.
It includes:
- Monitoring of the involved methods
- Monitoring of the working applications
- Monitoring of an operating system:
- Loading of the central processing unit (CPU)
- Memory use
- Loading of disk space
- Monitoring of work of a network environment:
- Availability of necessary network devices
- Speed of system
- Interruptions in transfer of package data
- Monitoring of the database
- Database volume
- Fragmentation
- Response time
- Definition of process of escalation for each alarm
- Remote support 24х7 from one of our experts for non-standard production scenarios
This package of services also includes totally 2 working days of the consultant of technical support a month.
The affiliated expert
C-MES of Solutions can offer also affiliated expert who will work at your platform necessary time in case of unusual situations. Such service happens necessary at emergence of new / special requirements to production. The long help of our expert will help you not to distract from performance of essential production operations.
There are two options of such service:
Temporary time / Part: The decision can be the obligation within two full days on the place each two weeks during the period of 6 months (26 man-days).
Long-term / Semipermanent employment: 3 weeks with five working days monthly, for 12 months.
It includes:
Services of the invited expert can include:
- Thin control of system
- The analysis of tendencies in productions
- Training of users
- Specialized training for support service on the party of the client
- Training on service of system
- Training on control of forms of account